Faster and easier access to articles

category: E-resources

To ease the findability of international articles and electronic journals which we have suscribed, we have acquired a couple of new web services called LibKey and BrowZine from Third Iron.

One-click access to PDF articles and e-journals through LibKey and BrowZine

An AI-powered technology integrated into SeAMK-Finna’s international e-materials search delivers

  1. a direct link to the PDF article
  2. a link to the complete issue

Browse e-journals on BrowZine

BrowZine is a digital collection of international scientific journals acquired for the students and staff at SeAMK. It also includes open access electronic journals.

The service allows you to browse e-journals by subject – the journals are divided into 12 subject areas, for example Business and Economics and Engineering and Technology. You can browse journals without logging in. You can also search for journals by name and subject.

You can create your own account with BrowZine, allowing you to save your favourite magazines to your own shelves and receive email notifications of new issues. You can save articles for future reference, export references to reference management software and share articles by email. Use of BrowZine is optional. To use your own account, you need to register for the service. You can use an email address of your choice. The information you provide to BrowZine is stored on servers located in the United States. By using this service, you agree to BrowZine’s Privacy Policy.

A dedicated mobile app is also available for BrowZine.

Bisness-aiheisia e-lehtiä BrowZine-palvelussa.

Libkey Nomad browser extension provides direct access to the article

When searching for international articles online, you’ll probably often run into a paywall. With LibKey Nomad, you can quickly find out whether you can still access the article as a member of SeAMK through library’s e-resources. When you install the LibKey Nomad extension on your web browser, it will tell you if the article you have found is available through the library and provide a link to the PDF version of the article. If the service asks you to log in, please log in remotely using your SeAMK credentials.

LibKey Nomad -laajennuksen kuvake.

Download LibKey Nomad on Third Iron’s web pages.

Search articles with their DOI or PMID identifiers

Do you know the DOI or PMID of the article? Try searching for the article using