Changes in SeAMK library's e-resources 2021

category: E-resources

There has been changes in the SeAMK library’s electronic resources in the beginning of the year 2021. Electronic resources include for example e-books and e-journals which library acquires for SeAMK students and staff. They may use e-resources even outside SeAMK computer network through remote access.

New resource for the field of computing

ACM Digital Library -aineiston logo.The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform which contains the Full-Text Collection of all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books. In addition, ACM contains a collection of curated and hosted full-text publications from selected publishers.

More information:
Contents of the ACM Full-Text Collection
ACM Digital Library User Guide (PDF)

Changes in Ebscohost databases

Cinahl Complete

We have upgraded the former Cinahl with Full Text database to Cinahl Complete. Cinahl Complete is a research tool for nursing and allied health professionals. With Cinahl Complete, users get fast and easy full-text access to ca. 600 top journals, evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons and more.

Cinahl is a top information source for nursing students and teachers at SeAMK!

Business Source Complete

We have downgraded the former Business Source Ultimate database to Business Source Complete. Complete version has a slightly smaller number of e-journals. The reason for the change was the high price and decreased usage.

Business Source Complete includes premium full-text content and peer-reviewed business journalse. It covers all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, finance and more.

Business Source Complete is an essential tool for business students!


OpenDissertations is an open-access database built to assist researchers in locating both historic and contemporary dissertations and theses from around the world. Providing researchers with citations to graduate research across a span of time, from the early 20th century to the present, this database will continue to grow through regular updates and new partnerships with graduate degree-granting institutions.