Try New MOT Dictionaries

category: E-resources

As a student and staff member at SeAMK, you have access to all MOT dictionaries, machine translation and proofreading services on MOT Kielipalvelu.

MOT Kielipalvelu has replaced the former MOT Online service.

MOT Dictionaries

  • 29 dictionaries
  • the most popular dictionaries covering both general language vocabulary as well as specialist vocabulary, for example from the fields of medicine, technology, commerce, economics, and law
  • grammatical information and usage examples as well as idioms and phrases
  • dictionaries by Oxford University Press

MOT Kääntäjä – MOT Translator

  • 23 languages
  • combines machine translation and a dictionary
  • choose language pair and translate texts from one language to another

MOT Kielentarkistin – proofreading service

  • english, german and french proofreading service. More languages coming up.
  • proofreads your text and suggests corrections

How to get access to MOT Kielipalvelu from outside the university network

  1. Go to
  2. You can change the language at the end of the page.
  3. Choose “Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulu” from organization drop-down menu and enter you SeAMK email address. Click the “Get a login link” button.
  4. Click the link you get to your SeAMK email and you have access to MOT Kielipalvelu whenever, wherever.