Library hours and services in summer 2024


SeAMK Library opening hours and services will be subject to changes during the summer. Here you will find more information about the changes.

Opening, self-service and closing hours in June-August 2024

Patrons can use the library independently during library opening hours at 9am–10am. You can check out books and check them in at the machines. It is possible to search for books by using library’s web service SeAMK-Finna. Library is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.


  • library is open Mon–Fri 9am–4pm
  • exceptions:
    • Thursday 20.6. open 9am–3pm


  • library is closed. If you have requested books on Thursday June 20 at 2pm at the latest, you can pick them up and check them out during 24–28.6. between 7:30am–4:00pm from Tapio-sali. Checking in books to the machines is also possible. Entry to the Tapio-sali is through C0 door.
  • Kampustalo is closed 29.6.–28.7.


  • library is open Mon–Fri 9am–4pm

Starting from 2.9.

  • return to normal hours. Library is open Mon–Fri 9am–5pm

In addition, there may be occasional changes to the opening hours. Please always check valid daily opening on SeAMK-Finna’s web page.

Longer loan periods

Because the library is closed for a longer time, we are giving longer loan periods for books. There are no due dates during the time library is closed. Please check the due dates of your loans and don’t forget to renew your loans before the library closes. SeAMK staff’s loans will be automatically renewed by the system unless there are no requests on them.

  • From 23 May, the four-week loan period will be extended until 14 August.
  • From 6 June, two-week loans (course books) will have a longer loan period until 14 August.


  • During the period 24.–28.6. when the library is closed, but the C0 door to Kampustalo is open, you can check-in books to the self-checkin shelf or to the checkin-checkout machine in Tapio-sali during 7:30am–4:00pm. According to the timetable available on SeAMK Intra, SeAMK students have access to Tapio-sali through C0 entrance for example to pick up their requests and check them out by using the self-checkout machine. Please note, that Kampustalo is closed June 29–July 28.
  • During the time Kampustalo and library are closed, you can return books to the book drop box by the C0 door, located at the right end of Kampustalo, opposite to the Tornitalo student apartments.


You cannot request books on SeAMK-Finna starting from Thursday 20.6. at 2pm. You may request books on SeAMK-Finna again on Monday 29.7. as the library opens.


During the closure the library staff is on vacation. Emails and messages will not be processed and the phone calls will not be answered. We will reply to the messages as the library opens on Monday 29.7.  Interlibrary loans will not be handled either during the closure.

EXAM visits

EXAM visits by the students from other universities can only be taken during the SeAMK Library’s customer opening hours. Please also note that the library’s customer service is not open in the mornings between 9 and 10. During the library closure, 21.6.–28.7., EXAM visits are not possible.

Please always check the hours on the SeAMK-Finna page and arrive early, so that the SeAMK librarian has time to check the visitor’s ID and let the visitor in to the EXAM room before the customer service desk closes. More information is available on SeAMK EXAM instructions.


New theses will not be processed on Theseus during the closure. They will be handled when the library opens again.


E-books and e-journals are available for the SeAMK students and staff the whole summer. You can search for e-books, e-journals and e-articles on SeAMK-Finna if you narrow your search by “Available online” limiter. Instructions and library guides on how to use e-resources can be found via the links below.

Have a nice summer!