Library is preparing for the move - get ready for changes!


The refurbished and new premises in Campus House will be completed in autumn 2018. The preparations for the move have already begun. Because of the preparations, we have to limit libraries’ opening hours already in May.

SeAMK Library will serve patrons in the Campus House in autumn 2018

All the collections and services of both Campus Library and Health Library are moving to the new premises. The present library operations and services of the Health Library in Mediwest building will come to an end. Agriculture Library is moving to Campus House next year and its operations will cease in Ilmajoki Campus.

Self-service in the new library

Patrons may borrow and return books and pick up requests independently in the new library. Library staff will help patrons find information as usual. As we are going to start using new technology, we have to provide every book with a RFID label. This will take approximately two months.

Changes in opening hours starting from May 16

Because of the tagging, all library units will have changes in opening hours already in May. Going through the collections requires staff; therefore we have to restrict opening hours and services. There are many changes in libraries’ opening hours during spring. Please check the hours before your library visit!

  • Campus Library 16.5.-1.6: reservation pickups and returns Mon-Fri 12.00-14.00
  • Campus Library closed from June 2nd
  • Agriculture Library closed from 16.5. except on following days: Tue 29.5., Thu 31.5., Tue 5.6. and Thu 7.6 Agriculture Library is open 9.00-16.00.
  • Health Library closed from May 16th

Anticipate your need for information, renew the loans and pick up the requests in time

The due dates for loans and pick up dates for requests will be extended as the libraries are closed. Please, anticipate your needs for information, make reservations and pick them up in time.

  • Requests for available items are permitted until May 28th at 3pm. After that the service is closed.
  • Pick up your reservations in Campus Library on Fri June 1st 12.00-14.00 at the latest
  • If you have made reservations for books in Health Library, you must pick them up from Campus Library on Fri June 1st 12.00-14.00 at the latest

Due to the move the loan periods are longer. The due date for the loans will be Sep 12th 2018. Please check your due dates and renew your loans before the library is closed.

  • longer loan period for 4 week loans start on Apr 18th
  • longer loan period for 2 week loans start on May 2nd

Don’t return your loans – help us move

Utilise the long loan periods and return your loans to the new library in Campus House in autumn. This way you’ll help us move.

However, during the time library is closed, you can return books to the book drop in the front of Campus Library in Frami A or to the book drop by the front door between Frami buildings A and B. Watch the video of the book drop location.

After Health Library is closed, the loans must be returned to Campus Library in Frami A (Kampusranta 9 A).

NB! In summertime your loans won’t be returned from the library system daily.

Contact information during the time libraries are closed

As the libraries are closed, you may contact us by email or phone. Library’s chat service will be shut down on May 16th.

  • Campus Library, tel. +358 40 830 0410, kampuskirjasto(at)
  • Health Library, tel. +358 40 830 0419, terveyskirjasto(at)
  • Agriculture Library, tel +358 40 868 0148, maaseutukirjasto(at)
  • contact information for staff

Don’t forget the E-library

E-library and web services are available as usual. You can download and loan e-books and browse and read e-journals and e-articles. E-library and the guide on How to use e-resources are available on the net.

We thank you for your patience and understanding during the move process!