More accessible website


University’s and library’s websites have been revised more usable and accessible since last autumn. The most visible changes have been released today as the visual look of the site has been changed into the new brand colours of the Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences. Functional deficiencies have also been modified so that the site complies with the EU’s Web Accessibility Directive and the Finnish law on the provision of digital services.

The new visual look considers, among other things, the contrast of colours and the functionality of colours in various online environments as well as in printed materials.

The functionalities of the website have been modified so that they work as well as possible with, for example, various screen readers.

The goal has been for the website to be easily accessed by different devices. We hope that our patrons can easily find the information they need.

The development of our website to be more accessible continues. Next, we will go through the content on the site. The work will be completed next fall at the latest.

According to the law, the online services of the Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences must be accessible by September 23, 2020.