Introducing library's new real-time chat service!

category: Library services

SeAMK Library’s chat service has changed. We have opened a new multi-channel communication platform called LibAnswers. The service includes not only chat but also ticketing system and FAQ. The new chat looks a bit different than the old one.

Where can I find library’s chat?

The new chat feature is available on library’s web pages, library guides, SeAMK-Finna search service and Tuudo mobile app. You’ll find it on the bottom of each page.

Chat is open: Chat-kuvake kun chat on auki.Chat is closed: Kirjaston chatin kuva kun chat on kiinni.

When is the chat open?

The chat is open at the same time as our customer service. During semester customer service and chat is open Monday through Friday 10am–5pm.

On eves of midweek holidays, on weeks 9 and 42, in June–August and during holiday season we have limited opening hours.

What kind of question can I ask?

You can ask us general questions about our library services, such as

  • loans and loan periods, returns, requests, renewals, and charges
  • changes on contact information
  • opening hours
  • inquiries about our collections: specific books, journals and electronic resources
  • SeAMK-Finna search service
  • instructions on how to use e-resources and about remote access

In general, quick and short questions about library services are suitable on chat. If you are a student or staff member at SeAMK and need more profound answers on how to search information, we recommend you to Book an information specialist.

Who will answer my question?

Our information service assistants who are on duty will answer your question on the chat.

What happens if you cannot answer my question?

If we can’t give you an answer or solve your problem, we’ll create a ticket in the system and answer you later by email. For that, we will need your email address.

Can I ask anonymously?

We will ask you to type your name in the beginning of the chat but you can give only your first name or nickname. If we can’t answer your question or solve the problem, we will contact you later. For that, we will need your email address.

Can I save the chat conversation for later use?

You can send the conversation to your email at the end of the chat.

Can I give you feedback of the conversation?

Yes, you can. At the end of the chat, you can rate the chat conversation and comment on it.

Where can I get help, if the chat and the library are closed?

As the chat and library are closed, you can check our FAQ pages if there is already an answer available of the same question. You can also submit your question if it has not been asked and answered yet. We will answer to you as soon as possible.

Library staff looks forward to chatting with you soon!