Google Sign In available in Ebsco

category: E-resources

Ebsco announces that SeAMK Library’s users can now sign in to the EBSCO resources using their Google or Gmail credentials.

Before users must create a personal Ebsco account for example to be able to download an Ebsco ebook to their device. Now sign in is easier thanks to Google Sign In.

As the user is signed in to Ebsco resources, he can also save searches and search results, set up journal alerts, create folders and save items into them.

Google Sign In is possible in all Ebsco resources available at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.

Ebsco e-books

  • Ebsco eBook Collection – growing package of multidisciplinary e-book titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter

Ebsco e-journals

  • Academic Search Elite – great resource of scholarly information. Contains comprehensive multidisciplinary content and provides access to acclaimed full-text articles, journals and magazines
  • Business Source Ultimate – rich collection of scholarly full-text business, management, and economics journals. The collection also includes publications covering topics such as accounting, administration, banking, finance, international business, marketing, sales and more. BSU also includes case studies, country economic reports and company profiles, as well as interviews with executives and analysts.
  • Cinahl with Full Text – full text for nursing and allied health journals. Essential tool for nurses, allied health professionals, researchers, nurse educators and students.
  • GreenFile – a collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles and covers content about the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and local/national governments as well as what can be done at each level to minimize these effects
  • Hospitality and Tourism Complete – collection of scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism
  • Library & Information Science Source – contains English and foreign-language periodicals, journals, conference proceedings, pamphlets, library school theses and books in subjects such as librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval and information management
  • Regional Business News – ultimate coverage for full-text business publications, on a regional level, for the United States and Canada
  • Sociological Collection – source of sociology literature, making it an essential tool for sociology and social work researchers, professionals and students