Theses | SEAMK kirjasto


Online access to theses of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.Utilise theses in your own research and development work.

Theses are a significant part of the Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences’ RDI activity. Theses are linked to the multi-layered entity of RDI activity, whose participants are students, teachers and representatives of working life. Hundreds of theses are completed every year at SeAMK.

The aim of a thesis at SeAMK is to develop and demonstrate a student’s skill in applying his/her knowledge and expertise to a practical specialist task related to vocational studies. In a thesis, knowledge and skills acquired in studies are applied to the requirements of practical working life. Often a thesis also acts as the student’s bridge to working life: many jobs are found because of the theses.

Open Repository Theseus gives you online access to theses and publications of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. You can read entire theses and publications and utilise them in your own research and development work – or just to get acquainted with theses written by graduates of the Universities of Applied Sciences or the universities’ publications published by the staff. Some SeAMK theses are stored to a restricted collection. They can be read on the computers in the SeAMK Library.