Eepos libraries included in SeAMK-Finna

Now it is possible to search material also from Eepos public libraries in SeAMK-Finna. Do the search as usual and choose the search results under Eepos libraries tab. You’ll find out in which library the book is available. You can also browse all materials in Eepos libraries in SeAMK-Finna. Continue the search by typing a term into the search box or by narrowing the search from the menu on the left.
If you possess an Eepos library card, you can add it to your own account in SeAMK-Finna under Library cards tab. After that, you can place holds on materials in Eepos libraries. You have to pick up your reservations from the Eepos library you have chosen for the pick-up library. It is also possible to renew the Eepos loans in SeAMK-Finna the same way as you renew your loans from SeAMK libraries.
Eepos libraries’ own web library is available via
There are 22 libraries are participating in the Eepos Web Library: Alajärvi Public Library, Alavus Public Library, Evijärvi Municipal Library, Ilmajoki Municipal Library, Isojoki Municipal Library, Isokyrö Municipal Library, Karijoki Municipal Library, Kaskinen Public Library, Kauhajoki Public Library, Kauhava Public Library, Kuortane Municipal Library, Kurikka Public Library, Laihia Municipal Library, Lappajärvi Municipal Library, Lapua Public Library, Perho Municipal Library, Seinäjoki Public Library, Soini Municipal Library, Teuva Municipal Library, Veteli Municipal Library, Vimpeli Municipal Library ja Ähtäri Public Library