Reduced opening hours 9–16 in week 42 | SeAMK kirjasto

Reduced opening hours 9–16 in week 42


During week 42, Oct 14–18, the library is open Monday–Friday 9:00am–4:00pm. In the mornings at 9–10, there is a self-service in the library.

Kampustalo doors are open Mon–Fri at 7:30am–6:00pm. During these hours books can be returned to the automatic check-in shelf next to the library door and reserved books picked up from the book trolleys located in the library corridor. Please remember to check out your books at the nearby machine.

SeAMK students may access the Tapio-sali with their access keys via C0 entrance according to the instructions on SeAMK Intra.

When the Kampustalo doors are locked, books can be returned to the drop box by the C0 door. Library staff will check out the books from the system when the library is open.