Otos and a wide range of other open access publication archives in SeAMK-Finna | SEAMK kirjasto

Otos and a wide range of other open access publication archives in SeAMK-Finna

category: E-resources

Statistics Finland-logo.The SeAMK-Finna search service has a new and interesting addition: the publication archive Otos. This publication archive of Statistics Finland provides access to a wide range of publications of the Official Statistics of Finland (OSF) series, other Statistics Finland’s publications and background material related to statistics. The collection is constantly growing, providing more and more information.

The OSF series provides a comprehensive picture of the state and development of our society from the 1860s to the present day. All the Statistical Yearbooks of Finland and Finland in Figures reviews are also available in the Publication Archive.

Statistics Finland’s publications archive contains publications mostly in Finnish, but also in English and other languages.


Open access publication archives enrich library collectionsThe Collection menu in the Narrow Search menu on the SeAMK-Finna search results page.

So far, ten different open access publication archives have been added to SeAMK-Finna. These publication archives will be added to our search service when technically accessible and when their contents support the curricula and research, development and innovation (RDI) activities of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.

Publication archives complement the library’s own collection of printed and electronic books, journals and other publications. These have been purchased or described in the library’s own database and can be found in the collection of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences Library. Publication archives appear in SeAMK-Finna as separate collections.

When you make a search in SeAMK-Finna, your search will automatically be directed to all collections. For example, you can start with an empty search (without keywords) and then narrow your search. The collections can be found on the left-hand side of the search results page under the “Narrow search” menu. You can limit your search to one or more collections, and from the same menu you can also make other selections.


What publications are available in publication archives?

Open access publications archives usually contain publications made openly available by organisations. Although these publications can also be accessed directly from the organisations’ own websites, SeAMK-Finna brings them together in one convenient place. Most of the publications are in Finnish, because the organisations are Finnish. However, all the publication archives also contain some publications in English and in other languages.

The following publication archives have been added to the SeAMK-Finna search service:

  • Bank of Finland shares its analysis and views on the economy in various publications. The Bank of Finland’s main publication is Euro & talous (in Finnish), which focuses on macroeconomic, financial market and monetary policy issues.
  • ELY Centre (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment) promotes regional development by carrying out executive and development tasks for the state administration. The ELY Centres’ publications support knowledge-based management and informed decision-making.
  • Finnish Centre for Pensions provides services related to the implementation, evaluation and development of occupational pension provision. It publishes studies, reports, statistics, handbooks, booklets and the Työeläke magazine (in Finnish).
  • Finnish Environment Institute offers strong expertise and independent information on global phenomena such as climate change, biodiversity loss, overconsumption, pollution and eutrophication. The archive includes articles, professional and scientific series and monographs.
  • Finnish Food Authority promotes, monitors and studies the safety and quality of food; the health and wellbeing of animals; plant health; fertiliser products, animal feeds and plant protection products that are used in agricultural and forestry production; and propagating materials i.e. seeds and planting materials. The Publication Archive contains the materials of the Finnish Food Authority Publications.
  • Institutional Repository for the Government Valto contains reports, reviews and other topical publications, guidelines and recommendations published in the Government publication series.
  • Library of Open Educational Resources is a service that facilitates the discovery, use and publication of digital learning materials. The library offers open educational resources for all levels of education and for continuous learning. The service is operated by the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Finnish National Agency for Education and CSC – IT Center for Science.
  • Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) is a research organisation that builds sustainable future and well-being from renewable natural resources. The publication archive contains Luke’s research reports, guides, forecasts and reviews, as well as scientific articles by Luke’s researchers.
  • Statistics Finland is Finland’s national statistical institute that produces impartial statistics on Finnish society. Otos is an open access archive of Statistics Finland’s electronic PDF publications.
  • VATT Institute for Economic Research is an expert economics research unit. They do high-level scientific research to promote evidence-based policy making. All VATT publications are available in the Publications Archive.


Open online resources in library collection policy

Open online resources are a key element of the library’s updated collection policy. We continuously monitor the open resources available online and add them to SeAMK-Finna whenever possible. In this way, we provide access to both individual materials and larger publication archives, expanding the library’s collections and providing users with a wide range of information resources.