Hours and contacts
SeAMK Library is located in the Campus House (Kampustalo) in Seinäjoki. Library is open for everybody. Welcome!
Opening hours during semester
During autumn and spring semester library is open Monday–Friday 9am–5pm (Self-service 9am–10am). During self-service there is no staff available. Customer service is open 10am–5pm.
The main entrance C0 to SeAMK Library is located opposite to the Tower House student apartments. You have access to Kampustalo through C0 entrance Mon–Fri 7.30am–6.00pm to return books, pick-up reservations, check them out at the self check-out machine and to study in Tapio-sali. According to the instructions available on SeAMK Intra, SeAMK students have access to Kampustalo through C0 entrance even at other times. There are changes how the doors are open during holiday season.
Unstaffed library hours
SeAMK students and staff can access the SeAMK Library outside of our staffed opening hours in the evenings and on weekends.
The library is accessible Mon–Sun from 9 am to 9 pm. During unstaffed hours, there are no library staff on duty during these hours.
You can check out and check in books at the machines and use library facilities and computers available to patrons.
Exceptions in opening hours
There are exceptions in library’s opening hours due to several reasons. For example, there are limited opening hours on eves of midweek holidays, on weeks 9 ja 42, in June-August and between Christmas and Epiphany.
Valid daily opening hours can be found
- on SeAMK-Finna’s web page
- on Google information box. Search “SeAMK Library”, information box appears on the right side of the results page.
We will inform our patrons about the exceptions in library hours
- on library news
- on library’s Instagram and Facebook. Welcome to follow us!
Address: Kalevankatu 35, 60100 Seinäjoki
Mail address: P.O. Box 97, 60101 Seinäjoki
Telephone number: +358 40 830 0410
E-mail: kirjasto@seamk.fi
The location of the main entrance to SeAMK Library
The main entrance C0 to SeAMK Library is located opposite to the Tower House student apartments.
The after hours book drop box can be found at the C0 entrance, as well.
Accessibility of facilities
Information on the accessibility of Kampustalo facilities and of an accessible route to the library can be found on the accessibility page.